Laura Salvanesch (Coach/Pioneer)
Laura Salvaneschi is a coach, a trainer, a speaker and … a pioneer.
Her motto is: understand your complexity to unleash your potential.
Her expertise is releasing people’s hidden, unconscious blocks and limitations, the “Inner Powerful Players”.
We all have an unconscious limited perception of ourselves which is the inevitable byproduct of our life experience.
This limited perception constantly interferes with our behaviors, results and success. We may decide to continue to ignore this truth or we can start to release these limitations to access and express our full potential.
With Laura’s discoveries and techniques this release can be easy and fast.
- entrepreneurs and top managers who want to see real tangible and lasting results in their business and career.
- Women and men alike who feel the need for a real change in their lives but cannot understand where to move and how.
- Teenagers trapped in fears, doubts, unable to see their path

Laura reaches out and helps people through:
- Individual work
- Workshops and seminars
- Speeches
Laura has a successful background in marketing and as an entrepreneur.
She was born in Italy but, now that her son has left the nest, loves to move around the world to discover and experience new and old truths. She’s open to suggestions for her next move.
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