More Music In Support of Iran: U2 Goes Green
The top musicians in the world seem to have gotten it...
I would like to know the English translation for the script that comes up on the green screen please.
Someone on Twitter has jokingly said: "Get your U2 CDs. Available in the foyer..." Clever lol, but I'm sure not accurate...
Please help me with the real words. E-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write in the comments below. Thanks :)
I would like to know the English translation for the script that comes up on the green screen please.
Someone on Twitter has jokingly said: "Get your U2 CDs. Available in the foyer..." Clever lol, but I'm sure not accurate...
Please help me with the real words. E-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write in the comments below. Thanks :)
Related links:
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Neda Loved Music, Not Politics (this is a lovely interview with a friend of hers and of her fiance)
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Neda Loved Music, Not Politics (this is a lovely interview with a friend of hers and of her fiance)
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