Articles in Category: Profiles & Bios

Anna Mracek Dietrich (Inventor)

anna_mracek_dietrichs.jpgAnna Mracek Dietrich is a private pilot trying to making aviation accessible, safe -- and a reasonable way to get to work in a flying car.

With husband Carl and their team at Terrafugia, in Massachusetts, they are building the first practical flying car (or, as they also term it, the Roadable Aircraft), which is designed to fold its wings, enabling it to be driven like a normal car.

Annie Murphy Paul (Science Writer/Mother)

annie_murphy_paul.jpgTo what extent the conditions we encounter before birth influence our individual characteristics?

It‘s the question at the center of fetal origins, a relatively new field of research that measures how the effects of influences outside the womb during pregnancy can shape the physical, mental and even emotional well-being of the developing baby for the rest of its life.

Tags connection family happiness health kids love medicine TED Talks

Cynthia Kenyon (Biochemist/Geneticist)

cynthia_kenyon.jpgCynthia Kenyon is revolutionizing our understanding of aging.

As an expert in biochemistry and biophysics at the University of California at San Francisco, she is particularly interested in the influence that genetics have on age-related diseases (from cancer to heart failure) in living things.

Danielle de Niese (Soprano)

danielle_de_niese.jpgIt’s not every day that an opera singer is deemed “cool.”

But Danielle de Niese does look and act, at times, more like a pop singer than an opera star.

Born in Melbourne of Dutch/Scottish/Sri Lankan parents, de Niese started classical voice lessons...

Susanna M. Salter (Politician/Activist)

Susanna_M_SalterSusanna Madora "Dora" Salter (March 2, 1860 – March 17, 1961) was a U.S. politician and activist. She served as mayor of Argonia, Kansas, becoming the first woman elected as mayor and the first woman elected to any political office in the United States.

Susanna Madora Kinsey was born near the unincorporated community of Lamina in Smith Township, Belmont County, Ohio, was the daughter of Oliver Kinsey and Terissa Ann White Kinsey, the descendants of Quaker colonists from England.