From The Freshoutlook
Officials agree to pave 163-year-old horse trail in romote Columbian town, ending three-month ‘crossed legs’ protest led by town’s women.
On June 22, around 300 women went on a three-month and 19-day strike; refusing to have sex with their partners until the government decided to pave the first half of the town’s horse trail.
Tags activism feminism
Posted in Women In the News
Susan notes: this piece was originally posted in March 2011. It's now October 2011, and Maria is once again trying to raise money for "her kids," and The Dhaka Project - this time with a trek to Everest.
“The North Pole is out of my element, comfort zone and character, but there are people far worse off every day of their lives, compared to what I will go through for a few days.”
Posted in Women In the News
From The New York Times.
In his 18 years at Pinckney Community High School, Jim Darga, the principal, said, the homecoming queen had always been crowned at halftime of the school’s football game. Never before, though, had she had to be summoned from the team’s locker room.
And that was just the beginning of Brianna Amat’s big night.
Posted in Women In the News
From WomeneNews.
Twenty-one years ago Savita Mohanty chanced upon a job ad in a newspaper.
The work appeared to be emotionally demanding but she decided to apply anyway.
Today, she is mothering 11 orphaned and abandoned children between the ages of 8 and 13. Her address: Jeevan Jyoti, House No. 7, Greenfields, Faridabad.
Posted in Women In the News
From The Times of India:
Not until she swings a leg across her bike does Salma Pathan, 21, transform into a picture of daring.
As the Maharashtra girl guns the bike hard to defy gravity in her climb to the top of the 'wall of death' (better known as 'well' of death here), she seems a blurry orange ball whirled around with an invisible string.
The audience at the Red Fort grounds feels dazed, but not Pathan, who adroitly plucks out tenners from tentative fingers.
Posted in Women In the News