39 Random Quotes by Amazing Susan
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These are 39 random quotes by @SheQuotes and @Amazingwomen creator and curator Susan Macaulay. if you choose to use them, please attribute them to her, as they are her own original words. Thank you so much!
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"You don't have to be anti-men to be pro-women."
"Powerful women need powerful men with whom to create a better world."
"Men have written history for centuries. It's time for herstory.
"I am so wealthy in so many ways…"
"I love my job, I love my job, I love my job! Yipppeee!"
"Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Get on with it."
"The wind is picking up - unfurl your wings and fly."
"Done. Dusted. Forgiven. Forgotten. Shall we move on?"
"A woman's sensuality is the essence of her sexuality."
"When in doubt, choose to do the thing u feel is the 'right thing' to do."
"Feistiness & confidence are among the most beautiful qualities a woman can have."
"Be hot, wet, wild & wonderful."
"What do you mean 'trying'? Just do it!"
"I'm just as sexy as I was in my youth, only in a more rounded way!"
"A woman is a mystery to be joyfully solved one secret at a time."
"You can never be too sexy."
"You can run, but you can't hide."
"Just keep rockin'! Don't pay no never mind to naysayers."
"Glance in the rear-view mirror occasionally. But ALWAYS keep ur eyes on the road ahead."
"Try to be turbulence free: access your inner serenity."
"Don't call me 'dear,' dear. It's like a red flag to a bull."
"I have a voice. I'm using it to speak out for women & against injustice."
"It's a miracle the human race survives,given that women, crucibles of life, are disadvantaged in so many ways."
"Dream big. Start small. Keep going."
"Freedom is one of my favorite words. Juicy is another."
"Women's issues are not women's issues, they are human issues."
"Play by your own rules."
"To see the full beauty of the stars, you must immerse yourself in total darkness."
"The collective global voice of women resonates around the world like rolling thunder."
"Individual voices cause ripples. Collective voices cause tidal waves."
"The poor & disadvantaged are as likely to speak words of wisdom as the rich & famous."
"I am the subject & object of my own life, not those of others.'" "My life is a stairway to heaven, not a 'decline into decrepitude.'"
"Crotchety old lady or stairway to heaven? Our choice."
"It's unacceptable to accept the unacceptable."
"Possibility can be as terrifying as it is enticing."
"Men have written history for centuries. It's time for herstory."
"Life isn't about security and stability, it's about transformation and change."
"The universe is decidedly capricious in how it doles out joy and sorrow."
"Revenge is as dark and evil as that which precipitates it."
"Who would've thought there would be so many mistakes to make?"
"Nothing lasts forever. That's why everything is so precious."
"It's tragic that violence and killing in any form are celebrated."
"Get in the game. Play to win. Be gracious in victory, as well as in defeat."
"It's time."