When studying for an online MELCD program, it can be easy to lose focus and fall behind. If you are currently in this situation, you may want to look into the benefits of co-studying. Those who choose to study as part of a group tend to find themselves more productive, less bored, and more informed due to the different perspectives in the group. To find out more about the benefits of co-studying, read on.
Tags education goals success
Posted in AWR Guest Blogs
As a work-at-home-mom (WAHM), you already have an entrepreneurial spirit and a get ‘er done attitude that helps you get a great deal of work accomplished in an average day.
But of course, as most WAHMs know quite well, there will still be plenty of times when a kiddo is home from school with an earache, the dog needs to go the vet for shots, the washing machine stopped working and your favorite client just asked you to crank out three extra projects by the end of the week.
Tags family goals happiness work
Posted in AWR Guest Blogs
Are you thinking about working in healthcare? If so, it could be the best decision you ever make. Every year, huge numbers of people either finish their studies and start working in this sector or leave their current positions and decide to enter this field. Below are some of the main reasons you should consider a career in healthcare.
Tags goals health success
Posted in AWR Guest Blogs

There is a buzz about poker right now.
It’s a game whose time has come - not that it’s ever been away - but there is something undeniably fashionable about the old five card stud routine right now.
Tags cards games goals inspiration money poker success
Posted in Profiles & Bios