Articles in Category: Amazing Susan's Blog

Ann Njeri Says: Prejudices & Assumptions? Send them to HELL!!

Dear Friends,ann_njeri__dewirini_anggraeni_subijanto.jpg

Of Prejudices and Assumptions. Better send them to HELL!! It is my hope and prayers that this gets you on top of the day! I am now in Ethiopia where I have been staying happily for the last three weeks helping in Harambee Leadership Training Programme for young Africans.

That I reserve as a story for another day, for now I would like to rewind you to my three months period in Australia where I had gone to primarily help plan and execute an International Creators of Peace Conference. It was a moment of re-learning and recharging..take a walk with me.

It is mid July, I arrive in Australia with a great amount of fear on "will anyone have time to listen to me and my friend from Uganda?" I already had my preconceived prejudices of what Australians will do and react to this two African ladies; snoopy, arrogant, unwelcoming faces, Indifference, racist, name them! But my first shock was at the immigration after landing in the blessed soil of Australia

"Hi gals" said the immigration officer with a BIG smile "Welcome to Australia and please enjoy your stay" Well, I have to say this was unexpected. It had never been so easy going through the immigration in other countries and getting this sort of care in Australia caught both of us by surprise! And that was just the beginning of emptying my prejudices and enjoying a beautiful and enriching stay in Aussie-as they call it.