Articles in Category: Amazing Susan's Blog

Racism is a Disease of the Mind

Susan notes: AWR member Yvonne Davis sent me the email below the day after when Barack Obama was elected president.

"Rosa sat so Martin could walk.  Martin walked so Obama could run.
Obama is running so our children can fly."

Kyrinda Richardson sent the above text message to me late last night when it was announced Barack Obama made Presidential History.

My dear friends, loved ones, clients and colleagues, words cannot describe my emotion, tears of undeniable joy, and feelings of pride over this most momentous public occasion in my life.

Oh, how I wished my grandfather Nathaniel Gachette Moss, Sr. was alive today. He died of a massive heart attack in a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio in 2003.

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Peace lobbyists Avaaz say this today:

We won a small victory on Gaza last night -- the Security Council joined global calls for an immediate ceasefire -- but outrageously, Bush's US administration did not vote for the UN resolution and its loopholes leave the bloodshed worsening by the hour, with neither Israel nor Hamas yet recognising this call as binding.* Latest reports say 257 children lie dead.