Articles tagged with: inspiration

A Tribute to Mary Margaret Kell (1902-1990)

pink angelBy Patti Macaulay

My Mom was an amazing woman. She left her home and family in Antigonish, Nova Scotia when she was only 18, and went to Montreal, Quebec to be a nurse.

In those days, it was unusual for a young woman, especially one who had been brought up on a farm, to go so far away at such a young age. But my Mom was a courageous woman, she wasn't easily frightened or intimidated.

Tags family health inspiration love tribute

25 Pearls of Everyday Feminine Wisdom (14)

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below. If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1. Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

"Behind every successful woman stands herself." ~ @AmazingWomen

"My life is unbeatable, unbelievable, unpredictable, and unbreakable!!" ~ @vhelita

Tags feminism inspiration quotes

7 Lessons From Making Love In The Kitchen

meghan telpner

Article By Jeannie Stokowski-Bisanti

Five years ago Meghan Telpner was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a condition that is commonly believed to have no cure.

She was given the options of surgery and medication for the rest of her life, still without the potential of a cure. Her doctor told her that diet would have no effect and that she would have to learn to live with it.

Tags attitude health inspiration learning personal growth

20 Pearls of Everyday Feminine Wisdom (12)

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below. If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1. Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

"When you know who you are, you don't take what others say about you as truth." ~ @DeeCMarshall 

Tags feminism inspiration quotes