Articles tagged with: inspiration

43 Margaret Mead Quotable Quotes

margaret-meadControversial academic, women's rights activist and, besides Jane Goodall, likely one of the world's best-known anthropologists, Dr. Margaret Mead's reports and attitudes on sex in South Pacific and SE Asian cultures informed the 1960s' sexual revolution in the West.

She herself was thrice married, and thought by many to be bisexual. She did fieldwork in Polynesia in the 1920s and got her Phd in 1925. A truly fascinating and amazing woman, here is a sampling of what she had to say:
Tags community connection feminism inspiration wisdom

Huwaida Arraf (American-Palestinian Activist)

Huwaida ArragHuwaida Arraf (born 1976) is a Palestinian Christian human rights activist, lawyer and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

The ISM is a Palestinian-led organization focused on assisting the Palestinian side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict using non-violent protests.

Arraf's law practice is based in Ramallah.

Tags activism challenges connection inspiration Israel love Palestine peace