Stephanie Louise Kwolek (July 31, 1923 - June 18, 2014) was an Polish-American chemist who invented poly-paraphenylene terephtalamide—better known as Kevlar.
She was born in the Pittsburgh suburb of New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Kwolek has won numerous awards for her work in polymer chemistry.
Tags innovation inspiration Role Models science success technology
Posted in Profiles & Bios
As a grad student, Cynthia Breazeal wondered why we were using robots on Mars, but not in our living rooms.
The key, she realized: training robots to interact with people. Now she dreams up and builds robots that teach, learn -- and play.
Tags innovation science success technology TED Talks
Posted in TED Talks (Individual)
Don't have a spoon? I can fix that!

Tags Fun innovation men
Posted in Humour, Sexist, & Funny
We make important decisions every day -- and we often rely on experts to help us decide. But, says economist Noreena Hertz, relying too much on experts can be limiting and even dangerous.
She calls for us to start democratizing expertise -- to listen not only to "surgeons and CEOs, but also to shop staff."
Tags creativity goals innovation inspiration success
Posted in TED Talks (Individual)
I think I wrote the post below in about 2008.
I know I took the pink hair selfie above in June 2015.
Some things never change.
I don’t fit in. Never have. Maybe never will. And while the "outside" can often be lonely place, there’s also lots to be relished about being a rebel.
It means I can still don purple suede boots, black lace stockings, short skirts, and the jean jacket I embroidered and wore with such pride when I was 13 (it doesn’t matter that it’s literally falling apart at the seams now).
Tags adventure connection fashion feminism Fun happiness health innovation inspiration love
Posted in Amazing Susan's Blog