Articles tagged with: inspiration

Liza Donnelly on How Humor Can Empower Women

liza-donnelly.jpgNew Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly shares a portfolio of her wise and funny cartoons about modern life -- and talks about how humor can empower women to change the rules.

New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly tackles global issues with humor, intelligence and sarcasm. Her latest project supports the United Nations initiative Cartooning For Peace.

When Liza Donnelly joined The New Yorker in 1982, she was the youngest cartoonist on staff and one of only three women to hold the job. She’s still there.

In 2005, Donnelly wrote the definitive book about her colleagues: Funny Ladies: The New Yorker’s Greatest Women Cartoonists and Their Cartoons.

She’s been part of many other books, including Sex and Sensibility, Cartoon Marriage (about her life with fellow New Yorker cartoonist Michael Maslin) and a popular series of dinosaur books for kids.

Tags Art artist feminism Fun humour inspiration

Gonan Premfors Talks Parentology At TEDxDubai Reboot 2010

gonan.jpgGönan Premfors is a professional coach who has worked with athletes, business leaders and government leaders.

She is a faculty member at The Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California and is the founder of The Coaches Training Institute in the Middle East with its headquarter in Dubai.

Through her studies of human consciousness and relationships, Gönan has developed a philosophy of relationships called Parentology that translates across any culture, religion or nationality.

Tags coach education inspiration kids learning personal growth success