Susan notes: I'm deeply saddened by the death yesterday of one of my heroines, war zone journalist and camerawoman Margaret Moth. She was an amazing woman in every sense of the world. I am grateful for her life so fully lived.
See the three-part CNN docuentatry video of her life here: Margaret Moth (Journalist/Camerawoman); and my September 2009 blog on her story here: The Margaret Moth Story: FEARLESS (or: A Heroine Just Walked Into My Life). This is part of Moth's obituary which ran yesterday on; click on the link below to see the complete article.

Simply put, Margaret Moth made an impression.
Given her jet-black hair, thick black eyeliner, black clothes and combat boots (which she often slept in while on assignment), people didn't always know what to think upon meeting her. She was quirky, the sort who excused herself from a social gathering by saying she had to wash her socks.
And she was fearless, the kind of woman who not only kept the camera rolling while under fire, but zoomed in on a soldier who was shooting at her.
Colleagues learned quickly to appreciate all that this CNN camerawoman was. Beyond her rich personality, which included deep optimism and kindness, she brought to her profession top-notch technical abilities, unmatched dedication and an approach to work that inspired others to push themselves.
Tags conflict courage determination Fun goals inspiration journalist media success violence
Posted in Women In the News
Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, one of the most powerful women in the world today, delivered the commencement address at Stanford University on June 16, 2008.
Here is the full text of her speech (to watch the video, click here):
Thank you, President Hennessy, and to the trustees and the faculty, to all of the parents and grandparents, to you, the Stanford graduates. Thank you for letting me share this amazing day with you.
Tags entertainment feminism Fun goals inspiration journalist media Role Models success
Posted in Poetry & Prose