Articles tagged with: love

Acid Attack Survivor Katie Piper's Beautiful Face

katie-piper-2007.jpgSusan notes: Barely concious, unable to speak, and in excruciating pain after having had sulphuric acid thrown in her face, 25-year-old model and TV presenter Katie Piper wrote a two-word note to her mother in 2008. "Kill me," it said.

Two years later, Piper created a foundation to help burn victims, is leading a full and happy life and is an inspiration to all whom she meets. 

Tags challenges goals happiness inspiration love success violence

Value Your Own Feminine Wisdom

Breast cancer_infographicWords of wisdom from Daily Om.

Your very own inner wisdom should be valued more than any other and will always guide you in the direction you need to travel.

Throughout our lives, we will encounter individuals who presume to know what is best for us. The insights they offer cannot compare, however, with the powers of awareness and discernment that already exist within us.

Tags challenges courage determination faith goals happiness inspiration love success

The Daffodil Principle

daffodilsSusan notes: This story is frequently attributed to Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards I have tried (unsuccessfully), to verify its truth, but have been unable to confirm via any of the internet myth sites. I’ve also followed the thread of authorship, and sent emails to people who claim to have known the author or seen the “garden,” but so far have not received a reply. If anyone has proof that this story is fact and not fiction, I would be happy to have the information. In the meantime, enjoy!

Tags happiness inspiration love