Articles tagged with: success

13 Amazing Women Cover "Girls"

toni-morrisonAmazing women are everywhere: in every era of human histroy, in every area of human endeavor. They are all ages, all races, all religions, all nationalities, all colours, all creeds, all shapes, all sizes.

There are 13 amazing women pictured in the gallery below.  Match the pics in the gallery with the links listed in the Related Articles to find out!

Tags inspiration success

Excuse Me? I'm Not A Cow Or A Pig. I'm A Woman.

Soraya ChemalyGuest blog post: Soraya Chemaly is a feminist starist and media critic. This excellent piece was originally published on The Huffington Post.

This week the Georgia State legislature debated a bill in the House, that would make it necessary for a woman to carry a stillborn baby until she 'naturally' goes into labor just as, according to Representative Terry England, pregnant cows and pigs do.

Tags activism community connection family feminism goals success

Jacqueline Novogratz On Inspiring A life Of Immersion

jacqueline-novogratz.jpgWe each want to live a life of purpose, but where to start?

In this luminous, wide-ranging talk, Jacqueline Novogratz introduces us to people she's met in her work in "patient capital" -- people who have immersed themselves in a cause, a community, a passion for justice.

These human stories carry powerful moments of inspiration.

Tags community economics goals health inspiration poverty success

Soraya Chemaly's Slut Manifesto

Soraya ChemalyGuest blog post: Soraya Chemaly is a feminist starist and media critic. She is also an insightful and thought-provoking blogger whom I greatly respect and admire. I highly recommend following her on Twitter.

This excellent piece was originally published on The Huffington Post.

We live in world where women, commodified, are celebrated for dressing "like sluts" to sell things. 

Tags activism community connection family feminism goals success