Articles tagged with: feminism

We Are Superwomen, Yes We Are, Yes We Are

Susan notes: Alicia Keys captures the essence of every woman with this amazing song performed live in Madrid in 2007, and posted here to honour International Women's Day, March 8, 2010.

To introduce the song, Keys says: "OK, if I need to hear some good words, I guess I'm gonna have to write them..." The song lyrics appear below the video clip.

Tags feminism happiness health inspiration love personal growth success

Fitting In Is Vastly Overrated, It's Proven

susan sushi_london_cropppedI’m a dynamic, engaging, attractive woman. I’m creative, curious and funny. Oh yeah, and modest too!

I have my own successful one-woman communications consultancy (or at least it was successful until the recession hit!), and I know how to make small talk at business lunches and cocktail parties.

Tags connection family fashion feminism Fun goals happiness health inspiration love relationships success