Articles tagged with: fun

Anyone Up For A Threesome?

cougar cocktailA middle-aged man met a gorgeous 61-year-old in a club one night. 

As they shared a few drinks, the conversation got increasingly spicy, and he found himself thinking that she probably had a hot daughter, maybe even two…

Eventually she asked if he'd ever had a Sportsman's Double..

'What's that?' the man asked, intrigued.

Tags ageing Fun health humour

40 Pearls of Amazing Feminine Wisdom

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below. If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1. Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

"Follow your heart, but bring your brain with you." ~ @LilPatra

Tags Fun happiness inspiration love quotes success

30 Things For Which I’m Grateful Mar 23/12

Mom  Susan St PatsMy online friend Holly Helt got me started on gratitude lists a couple of years ago  and I began penning them each and every morning.

Documenting the things for which we are grateful is a super way to stay positive and inspire oneself.

I’ve either become less disciplined or more overwhelmed than I was when I first started the practice, because the documentation of my gratitude has become more sporadic than systematic!

Tags connection Fun happiness health inspiration love

The Story Of Creation: Eve's Perspective

apple.jpgAfter three weeks in the Garden of Eden, God came to visit Eve.

“So, how is everything going?” God asked.

“It's all so beautiful, God,” she replied. “The sunrises and sunsets are breathtaking, the smells, the sights, the sounds, everything is wonderful."

"But I have just one problem. It's these three breasts you have given me...

Tags Fun humour men sexist