Articles tagged with: health

Jacqueline Novogratz On Inspiring A life Of Immersion

jacqueline-novogratz.jpgWe each want to live a life of purpose, but where to start?

In this luminous, wide-ranging talk, Jacqueline Novogratz introduces us to people she's met in her work in "patient capital" -- people who have immersed themselves in a cause, a community, a passion for justice.

These human stories carry powerful moments of inspiration.

Tags community economics goals health inspiration poverty success

It’s Time Once Again For Women To Support Other Women

lynn_and_susan_closeup.jpgThis Daily Om message captures the core of what AWR about: creating a worldwide circle of support and inspiration so that all of us can fulfil our destinies with power and joy.

Likewise, this photograph of me with my friend Lynn Harris (author of Unwritten Rules: What Women Need to Know About Leadership in Today’s Organisations ), embodies the same spirit of support and sisterhood. Together we are invincible.

Tags community connection feminism goals happiness health inspiration love