Articles tagged with: health

5 Bullshit Rules We All Should Ignore

no bsGuest blog post by Brenda Slavin.

Why do we hold ourselves hostage to rules that don’t really even exist?  Day after day we play out conforming to rules that we ourselves have created which only hold us back.

Some of these “rules” have been instilled into us.  Not only by our upbringing and influences, also by our society and the media.  We follow them habitually never giving much thought to if they make sense to what is right for us as individuals.

Tags goals happiness health inspiration learning personal growth success

Here's To Being A Crazy One. A Misfit. A Rebel. And A Square Peg In A Round Hole.

IMG 0196
I think I wrote the post below in about 2008.
I know I took the pink hair selfie above in June 2015.
Some things never change. 

birthday 2010_cuI don’t fit in
. Never have. Maybe never will. And while the "outside" can often be lonely place, there’s also lots to be relished about being a rebel.

It means I can still don purple suede boots, black lace stockings, short skirts, and the jean jacket I embroidered and wore with such pride when I was 13 (it doesn’t matter that it’s literally falling apart at the seams now).

Tags adventure connection fashion feminism Fun happiness health innovation inspiration love

Anyone Up For A Threesome?

cougar cocktailA middle-aged man met a gorgeous 61-year-old in a club one night. 

As they shared a few drinks, the conversation got increasingly spicy, and he found himself thinking that she probably had a hot daughter, maybe even two…

Eventually she asked if he'd ever had a Sportsman's Double..

'What's that?' the man asked, intrigued.

Tags ageing Fun health humour

Awww C'mon KSA: Let The Girls Play!

susans_in_saudi.jpgIt's almost three years since I made my second of two business visits to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (I was living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates at the time).

Apparently things haven't changed much since 2009. In the lead up to the Olympic Summer Games, the Kingdom has officially said (according to Human Rights Watch), that it does not sanction the participation of women in sport.

Tags freedom health Islam religion sports Women's Rights