Articles tagged with: inspiration

Shaimlee Can-Can!

cancan_dancers.jpgThe French version of the can-can, which became popular in the early 1800s in the working class ballrooms of Paris, is a lively music hall dance.

It's performed by a chorus line of women, usually dressed in long skirts and petticoats, which are lifted, kicked and swirled suggestively to reveal the dancers’ black-stocking-ed legs, and sometimes more!

Tags challenges courage determination happiness health inspiration Malaysia success

Fitting In Is Vastly Overrated, It's Proven

susan sushi_london_cropppedI’m a dynamic, engaging, attractive woman. I’m creative, curious and funny. Oh yeah, and modest too!

I have my own successful one-woman communications consultancy (or at least it was successful until the recession hit!), and I know how to make small talk at business lunches and cocktail parties.

Tags connection family fashion feminism Fun goals happiness health inspiration love relationships success

Aimee Mullins On Running

Susan notes: I've copied and pasted this biographical information and talk unabashedly from the TED website.

aimee_mullins.jpgIn this TED archive video from 1998, paralympic sprinter Aimee Mullins talks about her record-setting career as a runner, and about the amazing carbon-fiber prosthetic legs (then a prototype) that helped her cross the finish line.

Aimee Mullins was born without fibular bones, and had both of her legs amputated below the knee when she was an infant. She learned to walk on prosthetics, then to run -- competing at the national and international level as a champion sprinter, and setting world records at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. At Georgetown, where she double-majored in history and diplomacy, she became the first double amputee to compete in NCAA Division 1 track and field.

Tags actress adventure fashion goals inspiration model sports success

The Grimke Sisters (Women's Rights, Social Activists)

grimke.jpgPioneering sisters Sarah and Angelina Grimke eloquently fought the injustices of slavery, racism and sexism during the mid-19th century.

They were among the first female abolitionists to speak publicly against slavery, an important political topic. 

Angelina became the first woman to address a legislative body when she spoke to the Massachusetts State Legislature on women's rights and abolition in 1893.

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Tags feminism inspiration Women's Rights