Articles tagged with: inspiration

13 Provocative Posts On Gender Issues

feminist fistNothing like a compilation of blog posts on gender issues to get one’s feminist blood coursing a little faster in one's veins!

This hand-picked baker's dozen of favourite AmazingWomenRock feminist posts from the last year or so is designed to get you thinking about, and hopefully ACTING on, gender equality issues.

More women are talking about gender issues, that's for sure. But we need more women DOING stuff to create change and make real progress.

Tags community feminism gender parity goals inspiration media men success Women's Rights

22 Pearls of Everyday Feminine Wisdom

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below. If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1. Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

"If your words are not kind, honest or necessary, keep them to yourself." ~ @MomPressive

Tags Fun happiness inspiration love quotes success

Sarah Kay Gives Breathtaking Performances of "B" and "Hiroshima"

Sarah-Kay"If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom, she's gonna call me Point B ... " began spoken word poet Sarah Kay, in a talk that inspired two standing ovations at TED2011.

She tells the story of her metamorphosis -- from a wide-eyed teenager soaking in verse at New York's Bowery Poetry Club to a teacher connecting kids with the power of self-expression...

Tags connection family feminism Fun happiness health inspiration love parenting poetry

Janet Guthrie (Race Car Driver/First Woman to Compete in the Indianapolis 500 & Daytona 500)

janet-guthrie.jpgJanet Guthrie (born March 7, 1938, in Iowa City, Iowa) is a retired professional race car driver and the first woman to qualify and compete in both the Indianapolis 500 and the Daytona 500.

Guthrie was originally an aerospace engineer and after graduating from the University of Michigan, she worked with Republic Aviation. 

Tags adventure feminism goals inspiration Role Models success

46 Pearls of Everyday Feminine Wisdom

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1.

If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

"Never doubt a woman's strength, weakness is a foreign language to us." ~ @Subtrakation08

Tags Fun happiness inspiration love quotes success