Articles in Category: Amazing Susan's Blog

Would You Buy a Maxi Pad From A Half-Naked Man?

stayfree.jpgThe advertising of so-called “feminine products” recently hit a new all-time low with the launch of a trio of “dream date” YouTube videos by sanitary pad producer StayFree.

The YouTube vids, in which three (admittedly gorgeous and stunningly well-built) young men find excuses to strip to the waist and compare the thinness and absorbency of Stayfree regular ultra thin pads with wings (now there's a mouthful!), to those produced by rivals Kotex and Always, are as silly as they are insulting.

A Date With Ryan

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy “eye candy” as much as the next gal or guy. The human body is a wonderful thing in which to be housed, as well as to behold, especially when it’s fit, healthy and well maintained. That’s why artists have celebrated it in sculpture and paintings for centuries.

Forget About The Mosque, Focus On The Floods

Susan notes: This is a guest blog post by M. V. Thompson, a Christian American who worked in Pakistan as a missionary for 17 years (find out more about her and why she wrote this article at the bottom of the piece). The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author, and not necessarily mine or those of Amazing Woman Rock.
pakistan_floods.jpgA debate about building a mosque on the ground where the Twin Towers were destroyed is going on in the US. As is usual in such situations, people are divided in their opinions.

I have an idea that should settle the issue.

To those who want to build this costly Cordoba Mosque in America, on ground considered hallowed by most Americans and especially by those who lost relatives there, I have a better suggestion for using the millions it will cost: USE THE MONEY TO RESTORE PAKISTAN, and help the suffering Muslims in that devastated country.

Muslims throughout the world should stop to consider how they would feel if this were their plight.

Sex Trafficking A Tragically Thriving Business In USA

Susan notes: Karen Middleton, the author of this guest blog post, blogs for The New Agenda, a US-based, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls by bringing about systemic change in the media, at the workplace, at school and at home. This excellent piece on sex trafficking was originally published on The New Agenda website, where you can read more of Karen's insightful posts. The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author, and not necessarily mine or those of Amazing Woman Rock.

sex_trafficking.jpgSome people say the United States should solve its own problems with women’s issues before our country criticizes another country. I continue to believe our country is better for women than a lot of other countries are. After all, women are not stoned for adultery in the United States. Nor are they legally denied access to education, careers, and a single lifestyle. However, I admit our country does have a problem with sex trafficking.