Articles in Category: Amazing Susan's Blog

Pamela Anderson Drawn, Quartered & Banned In Her (And My) Native Canada

The woman who was butchered and meat-hooked using photoshop for the ad featured in my last blog post may or may not have known how the image of her body would be used by advertisers.

But Canadian-born actress Pamela Anderson, whose boob-jobbed breasts famously drew millions of viewers to the infamously bouncing-down-the-beach TV series Baywatch, volunteered to be drawn and quartered by anti-fur lobbyists PETA for this protest piece, which was recently banned in Canada:


8 Amazing Performance Artists Who Rocked TED Global 2010

TED Global 2010 exceeded my highest expectations, every day in every way. (TED for Dummies here, in case you haven't yet been introduced, and 170+ TED talks by amazing TED Women here.)

Amongst the many pleasures I experienced at the TED Global 2010 conference (held in Oxford July 12 – 16, 2010), some of the most delectable occurred during the performances of these eight incredibly talented women - singers, songwriters, poets, dancers, musicians, and captivating artists all.

Videos of their stage time at TED Global 2010 have yet to be posted online. In the meantime, here’s a recap and samples of their work…

Annie Lennox

annie_lennox_ted_global_2010.jpgSinger, songwriter and HIV/Aids activist Annie Lennox thrilled the TED Global 2010 audience with a spine-tingling solo set on the piano on Day 1 of the conference. (Photo Credit: James Duncan Davidson / TED )

Her singing moved me to tears...

Later in the week, Lennox touched our hearts with the story of seven-year-old AIDS victim Avileli’s transformation, and her own work with HIV/AIDS and The Sing Campaign.

Here’s Lennox performing A Thousand Beautiful Things and Pavement Cracks for a small TV studio audience in Paris in 2009:

Related links:
More About Annie Lennox on AWR
SING: A Voice For HIV/AIDS Women And Children