Articles tagged with: fashion

Here's To Being A Crazy One. A Misfit. A Rebel. And A Square Peg In A Round Hole.

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I think I wrote the post below in about 2008.
I know I took the pink hair selfie above in June 2015.
Some things never change. 

birthday 2010_cuI don’t fit in
. Never have. Maybe never will. And while the "outside" can often be lonely place, there’s also lots to be relished about being a rebel.

It means I can still don purple suede boots, black lace stockings, short skirts, and the jean jacket I embroidered and wore with such pride when I was 13 (it doesn’t matter that it’s literally falling apart at the seams now).

Tags adventure connection fashion feminism Fun happiness health innovation inspiration love

Madame C.J. Walker (Entrepreneur / Philanthropist)

madame-cj-walker.jpgMadam C.J. Walker (December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919) was an African-American businesswoman, hair care entrepreneur and philanthropist.

She made her fortune by developing and marketing a hugely successful line of beauty and hair products for black women under the company she founded, Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company.

Tags business charity entrepreneur fashion goals inspiration success

3 Ways To Make Holiday Cash From Your Closet...Yes. You Read Right!

ClosetGuest blog post by Sabrina Jackson of Best Free Dating Sites.

The holidays are upon us and with sipping hot chocolate, stringing lights, and basking in the joy of the season comes the wallet-draining pastime of Christmas shopping.

And when you went to empty out your piggy bank, all you found were post-it notes of I.O.U’s from yourself.... Oops!

Tags business Christmas fashion goals holidays holidays festive money

Sheena Matheiken on The Uniform Project

sheena-matheiken.jpgIn May 2009, with fashion as her medium, and education her cause, Sheena Matheiken launched the Uniform Project, pledging to wear one little black dress for 365 days as an exercise in sustainability, and a fundraiser to support the Akanksha Foundation – a non-profit organization providing education to children living in Indian slums.

For the next year, Sheena reinvented her one little black dress uniform on a daily basis solely using accessories that were either vintage, handmade, reused or donated.

Tags beauty fashion innovation inspiration