Articles tagged with: happiness

Created to be Amazing!

eve.jpgBy the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working overtime.

An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"

The Lord answered: "Have you seen my spec sheet on her....? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart - and she will do everything with only two hands."

Tags community connection feminism goals happiness inspiration success Women's Rights

Value Your Own Feminine Wisdom

Breast cancer_infographicWords of wisdom from Daily Om.

Your very own inner wisdom should be valued more than any other and will always guide you in the direction you need to travel.

Throughout our lives, we will encounter individuals who presume to know what is best for us. The insights they offer cannot compare, however, with the powers of awareness and discernment that already exist within us.

Tags challenges courage determination faith goals happiness inspiration love success

The Daffodil Principle

daffodilsSusan notes: This story is frequently attributed to Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards I have tried (unsuccessfully), to verify its truth, but have been unable to confirm via any of the internet myth sites. I’ve also followed the thread of authorship, and sent emails to people who claim to have known the author or seen the “garden,” but so far have not received a reply. If anyone has proof that this story is fact and not fiction, I would be happy to have the information. In the meantime, enjoy!

Tags happiness inspiration love

Here's To Being A Crazy One. A Misfit. A Rebel. And A Square Peg In A Round Hole.

IMG 0196
I think I wrote the post below in about 2008.
I know I took the pink hair selfie above in June 2015.
Some things never change. 

birthday 2010_cuI don’t fit in
. Never have. Maybe never will. And while the "outside" can often be lonely place, there’s also lots to be relished about being a rebel.

It means I can still don purple suede boots, black lace stockings, short skirts, and the jean jacket I embroidered and wore with such pride when I was 13 (it doesn’t matter that it’s literally falling apart at the seams now).

Tags adventure connection fashion feminism Fun happiness health innovation inspiration love

30 Pearls of Amazing Feminine Wisdom

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below. If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1. Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

“Behind every successful woman stands herself.” ~ @AmazingWomen

Tags Fun happiness inspiration love quotes success